


Roles in Toastmasters

Ah Counter |

General Evaluator |

Grammarian |

Sergeant At Arms |

Timer |

Toastmasters of the Evening |

Table Topics Master |

Word of the Day|

Sergeant At Arms

- To ensure all requirements (room setting, refreshment,
stationery) are in place for a smooth meeting.

Before the meeting

(1) You should arrive at the meeting place early.

(2) Ensure that the meeting room layout and table arrangement is
in order.

(3) Ensure that the following are available:
(a) whiteboard and markers
(b) lectern
(c) pen and papers
(d) plain water

(4) Set up the timing devise

(5) Display the appointment holders’ place cards such as
Evaluators, Language Evaluators, Toastmaster of the Evening,
etc. on the respective tables.

(6) Place Agenda and Voting Slip at each table setting and chairs.

At the meeting
(1) Keep track of timing throughout the meeting:
a. Start the meeting on time
b. Make sure that the meeting schedule is adhered to.

(2) Start the Meeting by knocking the gravel, invite members and
guests to return to their seats.

(3) Provide an icebreaking question and lead guests to self

(4) Advise audience to withhold their applause until the last
guest has introduced himself/herself. Initial applause
after last guest had finished introduction.

(5) Remind members and guests to switch their mobile phones to
silent mode.

(6) At the table topics session, assist to write down the table
topics speakers’ name on the flip chart for voting purposes.

(7) Collect and count the votes for Best Table Topic Speaker,
Best Prepared Speech Speaker and Best Evaluator. Hand
results to Toastmaster of the Evening.

At the end of the meeting
Keep all logistics materials such as the timing devise, place cards,

Useful Tips
(a) arrive early.
(b) start meeting on time (for both 1st and 2nd sessions).
(c) Kick start the meeting with zeal & zest

Sergeant-At-Arms Sample Script 

Good evening, Club President, fellow Toastmasters, and distinguished guests (if there are any guests).

Welcome to Temasek Polyechnic Toastmasters Club’s  _____th Chapter Meeting. My name is ______________, it is my pleasure to be the 1st Speaker, being the Sergeant-at-Arms for the meeting.  We have here with us this evening, our special guests, let's welcome them, …. (Please confirm their attendance and title before announcing)

I'll kick off this meeting with an ice-breaking session. Let us all introduce ourselves and share about (our favourite food/pastime etc/your thoughts on a given topic)

Shall we begin with .......
(begin with the person on the right or left)

Thank you let give ourselves a round applause.
Before we proceed with the meeting, please switch off your handphone, or set them on silent mode. (pause a while) Thank you. We will now welcome the Toastmaster of the Evening,  ________________